+977 87-680059 | +977-9858321020 info@sidcnp.org
Target Groups

Target Groups of  SIDC Program

  1. Women, Dalit, Janajati and Tribal Community
  2. Small and Marginalized Farmers
  3. Workers & Poorest of The Poor Family
  4. Landless People
  5. Children and Youths
Towards Achievement

Sustainable Development Goals

SIDC work towards holistic development by addressing economic, social, and infrastructure-related issues while prioritizing community empowerment and participation. Our ultimate goal is to improve the overall quality of life for marginalized communities and create sustainable, inclusive, and resilient societies.

People Now Have Access to Safe Drinking Water

Households Directly Benefited from Various Projects


Simikot, Humla, Nepal.

(Central Office)

Humla SIDC

Tel.: +977-87-680059

M.:- +977 - 9858321020


Mobile:- +977 - 9841294338

(Contact Number)

Email Us

